Notes on LBFGS

Apr 22, 2016

This notes is from appendix of ‘Patch Ordering as a Regularization for Inverse Problems in Image Processing’ by Gregory Vaksman etc. and is part of the book ‘numerical optimization’ by J. Wright.

Another very nice reference: OverView of Quasi-Newton Methods.

L-BFGS is a limited memory quasi-Newton method, which approximates the inverse of the Hssian matrix instead of calculating the exact one. In additional, it stores only m vectors of length n (m « n) that capture curvature information from recent iterations, instead of saving the full n × n approximation of the Hessian.

  • Formulation

Let be a smooth function with .

Recall general Newton-method,

k = 0,1,2…

The classical BFGS update is the following:

where is current approximated Hessian, , .

Big Picture

To be concrete, here is the whole framework:

  • Given , and
  • Update x: ,
  • Update step: ,
  • Update gradient step: ,
  • Update Hessian:

Be Practical

Well in practice, we don’t care about , instead we would like to calculate directly according to the well known Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula. One can verify that the inverse Hessian has the scary update:

where , , and .

Notice: In textbook ‘numerical optimization’, denotes inverse of Hessian.

How can this help us?

Manually set a number m, we can recursively update in the following way:

Ok now, let’s look at the formula above. If you are familiar with QR factorization in a recursive manner, don’t they look similar? You just recursively apply a linear operator on to initial and .

One step forward, the practical L-BFGS calculate in its iterations. Here is the recursive algorithm:

Issue: before the second loop, should initialize . ( I use the notation and to remind that they are the inversion of Hessian.) Also pay attention that the here is the inverse Hessian!

L-BFGS two loop recursion

Does this work?

Let’s work on the first loop: one can show that for each ,

And by definition, . So what the first loop really does is to calculate


(for the latter, notice that when , .

Now check the second loop, for each ,

Let’s run for the next iteration, we will get

Another comment here is that , so if we keep moving on, we will get the final update !! ( I use the notation and to remind that they are the inversion of Hessian.)

Finally, the whole algorithm

Recall the condition of line search, we also call it Wolfe condition: Wolfe Condition

Then the following is the whole L-BFGS algorithm: L-BFGS

Final Remark Is it really helpful than BFGS?

The following is from the reference OverView of Quasi-Newton Methods:

Note that this process requires only storing and for or floating-point values, which may represent drastic savings over values to store . After each iteration, we can discard the vectors from iteration , and add new vectors for iteration . Also note that the time required to compute is only .